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Friday, May 19, 2017

What My Dreams Tell Me

 I have strange dreams. I guess all people have strange dreams, but my dreams are unusual because they are stories. I have character development, setting, plot, climax, and resolution. They are stories.

I guess that means that I place value in stories, which I really do. It also says that I have a keen desire to know people, their motives, and their innermost desires. I want to see them grow to become better people. I want a strange and unusual adventue too. That is evedant by the intricate and exciting plots I dream of.

Or does the question mean my goals? I have many goals. Not the least of which is my goal to become a teacher. What does this dream tell me about myself? It tells me the traits I respond to and admire.  I want to be patient, kind, firm, and respectful. It says that I love learning new things. Most of all it tells me that I want to inspire people to be better, both in school and as people. It tells me that I am altruistic.

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