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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Obtaining a Firearm

I have always wanted to fire a gun. It sounds really neat in action, and must take a lot of skill to complete correctly. And although I do want to go hunting, I also want to gain the skill for skeet shooting, and target shooting as well. I have wanted to be a gun owner for years and years and years. Actually, since my grandfather passed and my family cleaned his old guns out of my grandmother's house. To top it off, I want a firearm for protection.

I have some enemies. These enemies have access for firearms. No matter what my martial arts skills and how many knives I have on me, I don't stand a chance. I want a gun, and I want to become proficient in the care, maintenance, and firing of one.

I'm too messy for a concealed carry. I know that much about myself. I'm constantly shoving things and digging around in my purse. Whats more, even with a concealed carry, I would not want to take my firearm to work. That's 90% I leave my house anyway. Maybe one day I'll get one, but for now, this will do.

Anyway, I talked to my roommate, who happens to be my boyfriend, about getting a gun for the house. He's completely cool with it. He even suggested a shotgun as well, which would be neat! Maybe at a later point I can get one of those. First, though, I'm getting a handgun.

I talked to my parents about getting one of theirs. I'm actually hoping to get one of Grandpas. My brother and I have been fighting over them for years.  They don't use them and I would. Mom said yes. Still waiting on Dad. We'll see how that goes...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Diet: Day 3

So, I'm not big on the whole "Fat is bad" thing. I don't rightly care about how much a person weighs compared to some arbitrary ideal. It's dumb to me, the obsession with appearance. What I do believe, however is that I am out of shape. I have bad knees, I eat too much, and I don't eat right. This is not a badass thing, so it needs to change.

I really like the Weight Watchers program. It encourages a well balanced food group selection, It doesn't say "You can't have!" (This makes me want more) It also teaches me moderation. However, since I don't have a lot in the way of spending money, I've come up with a better plan for this

Monday, June 16, 2014

Self sufficancy

I recently started gardening on my quest for self-sufficiency badassitude. It takes a sizable chunk of my time, but it's very gratifying. I thought I might give a virtual tour...

This fist picture is a small plot of land. It's the first time I've not used potters. What's more it's the first time I've planted root veggies. Here i have some Gladiolous, a bleading heart plant (that never came in), beets, and carrots. It's a bit of an experiment. We'll see how it does.

The next picture is a picture of the porch swing that my boyfriend got for us. That's my Wonder Woman mug. He and I love spending time here. I think it needs to move into the garden proper instead of being under the car-port, but he has a point in that if it's raining we can still use it.

This is seen from my front yard. I have red lilies and gladiolus. The lilies I've had for about 5 years and are the most durible plant I have ever had. They have trained me well in gardening by being so forgiving.

This is a closeup of my green bean plant. I have 2 different types, though I can't remember which ones. Aren't my little green beans cute?

And here's a closeup of my cute little Roma Tomatoes!

And my snap peas!

This is my garden mirror. I got it for free from a neighbor. It looks lovely in my garden! Below it are my 3 different tomatoes: Blak Cherry Tomato, Beefsteak, and Roma. There is also a Cypress Vine that I'm making crawl along the mirror stand. 

Here's a picture of Willow out in my garden. She loves to be outside! It's here I keep my jalapeno, and bell pepper plants, My pumpkin, squash, and cucumber, and my broccoli and cauliflower. Above that I have my bird feeder. Actually, it's my friend's birdfeeder that I'm borrowing till I see her again.

Then I have my snap pea, my green bean, and my pea plants. I love snap peas. the flowers are SO beautiful, and snap peas make THE BEST snack. There's also a little garden statue that I took from my boyfriend.

To the left of my peas and beans, I have my herbs. Cilantro and Thyme are in the green pot, I also have basil, sage, rosemary. green onion. dill, and oregano. The hanging potters have Columbines and my snap dragons.

To the left of those I have my leafy greens. I have my spinach and lettuces. In the hanging potters I have marigolds, poppies, cyprus vine and moonflower. I'm planning on winding the vine plants around the railings 

More closeups of my plants: both snap peas and my pumpkins. 

Busy Bee

So, it's been a while. I have been a busy, busy girl. It's been really hard to make a post proper-like. I guess the business makes me a badass, though not really. It really does make me busy however.

The past month or so I have spent prepping for weekend activities. All my time has been spent either maintaining my life, or working on the weekends.

I am a member of one of my favorite couple's wedding parties. I'm not the maid of honor, but I have a bit more experience (and an available location for parties) in maid of honor responsibilities. I've been playing the maid of honor's secritary on this one. A few weeks ago I planned and hosted the bridal shower at my house. It was a nice event, and the bride was ecstatic. There was good food and drink, interesting games with cute prizes, and lots of gifts.

Next weekend is the Batchelorette party. It is also being held at my house. It's going to be a spa theme. I've hired a massage therapist to give us all massages. There will be manicures, and face masks as well. The food will be low key. All of it is going to be freezer finger foods.

Also, I've spent a sizable chunk of my time half a day away in Nashville, TN. My best friend is currently in a messy custody battle with her abusive husband. In December I drove out there with my boyfriend and another best friend to move her out quickly in the middle of the night. He had been a real jerk to both her and the baby. Guns were involved. We got both of them out before anything too serious happened (If you don't include waving a loaded gun between a mother and her baby.) I called that mission "Operation save the Princess"

A few weeks ago I went out again to babysit the kid (an amazingly bright child who uses sign language to communicate despite the fact he's only 16 months.) while she was in court attempting to keep her and her baby safe. She is so brave! I called this mission "Operation Baby Bodyguard"

This week I go out and do the same thing. On top of the trial, we are also going to be dealing with her horse. It's a lot of driving, and a lot of babysitting, but it's fun. Also, it's kind of badass because I get to drive a manual SUV. It makes me feel manly. I miss driving manual a lot sometimes.

I don't think the father is resourceful to find the hotel we're staying in. I hope he's not, anyway. All I have to protect me is a slightly bent fillet knife, 6-7 years of martial arts experience (in an out of shape body) and a pocket knife. He's a retired soldier with a LOT of firearms at his disposal. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. If he does, I'll give my life protecting that kid.

Also, one of my good friends is a Marine who was stationed in Africa. He came home recently and was wounded. I wanted to throw him a party to show him how much we appreciate his service as well as how glad we are to have him back. So a chunk of my time has been dedicated to that.

He is such a badass and I admire him greatly. He's just a kid, really. He just turned old enough to drink. He is still rolling his injury like a champ. He's saved lives. He's protected freedoms. Long story short, he's one of my favorite badasses of all time.

There's one more thing aside from the real everyday stuff that has kept me busy. 2 weekends since I had my last post I went LARPing. For those of you unfamiliar, it's like playing a MMO video game in real life. You go through a character generator. You gain EXP and you level your character. You involve that character in stories set by the game staff. This particular LARP is Nordic mythology based.

I play a green earth dragon named Als'betherian D'rox. She's not particularly badass in the physical ways. She's a player, though. She's an archaeologist with the personality of a Victorian governess, and ambitions of power.

Well, that's kept me more than busy. I'll be making some other update posts here soon.