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Monday, December 19, 2016

I figured it out

I used to be a good singer. I mean, I'd never win American Idol, but I had enough talent to be pleasant to listen to. Since this Tourette's-FND-whatever the fuck I have, I just can't sing. I used to love singing too, I'm out of tune and what grace I could have gotten is eclipsed by this weird fucking accent. I'm a pain to hear.

How do I fix it? Practice. I have to practice my "th" as well as singing in tune. Practice! Practice! Practice!

So I ask my adoring fans: What is your favorite song to sing along to? Give me music to practice to!

I've been thinking about my goals for 2017:

1) Work full time
2) Lose 80 lbs
3) Publish
4) Register for classes
5) Volunteer weekly somewhere.
6) Start Sanctuary October 2017
7) Pay off $1000 dollars of debt
8) Have a well maintained flower garden.
9) Do 2 5ks
10) LARP 4x a year
11) Take the cats in for a yearly checkup.
12) Maintain Laundry, litterbox, and dishes.
13) Shower & Brush Teeth Daily. Use deodorant after every shower.
14) Send Christmas Cards
15) Finish Family Tree to Great Grandparents
16) Go on a cruise.
17) Get out Christmas Thank You cards by January 15th.
18) Post updates on the progress on my blog once a week.
19) Have Costumes Ready for Katsucon.
20) Play with Rowan 20 minutes a Day
21) Do Spanish and Japanese Language Programs every day by the end of the year.