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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Volunteer Delima

I volunteer every Saturday to help local immigrants be able to pass the citizenship test. (Hint, most of you would not pass it)  But of the past 2 Saturdays for class, I have completely neglected my job for health reasons. I've either been unable to focus on the content or outright unable to go. That's completely unfair to my students. So I have to take this more seriously.

1) I'm going ot talk to my doctor about getting an adderal prescription so that I can focus even with the amount of triggers constantly going on. Being able to focus on both the class itself, and my coping strategies will help me be more effective teaching. 

2) I need to treat the weekends like my work week. From now on, I have to leave my fun for the weekdays, not the weekends, at least until the class is over in May.This means no camping on the weekend (Mostly because rides are just too much of a bother to figure out.) Absolutely NO drinking. Lastly, no cramming my weekends full until I'm too unhealthy to teach a class. It's going to be hard for me to manage doing, but I need to stop pressing myself too hard. I'm so focused on catching up on all the fun I didn't have this past year, I forget that I'm still unwell and need to pace myself. 

This Saturday I'm coming at the class with a fresh enthusiasm. I will teach my students. I will be a benefit to my students. My class will be engaging, informative, and fun!

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