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Friday, November 27, 2015

Good news!

So I'm on disability. It sucks. I hate being a burden on society. It's nessicary, but I still hate it. I can't work because my brain leaves me a lot of the time, I have trouble reading, and even writing sometimes. I physically am useless, and I have trouble speaking sometimes. I have no marketable job skills at the moment. What's more, even if I did get a job, being out around people makes my condition worse. And even family and friend interactions can cause seizures (as well as loud noises, too much movement, multiple conversations happening at once, and so many others). These seizures have effects that last days. who would want to employ someone who had to take 2-3 days off several times a month? I know I wouldn't!

I also don't have health insurance, well I do, but it only covers birth control and a yearly Pap smear. As someone who needs actual medical care to get better and function, I've been paying out of pocket as well as Jerry-rigging a medical plan.

So I go to the mailbox today and there's a letter from social security (the people who handle my disability benefits) and I pouted a bit. Let's face it, any letter from the government is kind of a monicker of more and unpleasant work.

I was surprised to find that the letter was chock full of amazing and good news!

Not only might I be able to get health insurance,but it gave me options for employment! 

I litterally just got the letter, and it bears more investigation (as I had a seizure yesterday, I might not get to it till Sunday) but this is happy and hopeful news!

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