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Monday, September 14, 2015

Wheeling my way downtown...

Well...the wheelchair wasn't a total disaster in that I didn't die...but I almost did 3 times. It turns out the wheelchair tires are not, in fact, made for outdoor use. Traction on them was impossible...so much so I almost skidded into a busy street 3 times. 1 time on a non busy street. Although, really the death part of it doesn't phase me. (Yey disaccociation!!)  it was incredibly frustrating because the wheelchair would not do what I wanted it to. I have to borrow another wheelchair with proper wheels, buy a wheelchair with the proper wheels, or reevaluate how badly I want my independence.

But I got this...

I think...

God, I hope...

My arms are screaming, and I'm sweating. My chest feels light like I just ran 1/2 a mile (which for me is a big deal)I hurt to the point of tears and the tremors are bad. But I did it. I made it almost all by myself. This one guy insisted on helping me after seeing the danger I was in so I let him push me a foot over a ridge. But other than that I did 4 blocks on my own. One of those blocks was uphill.

I feel proud of myself for that at least.

Things I learned:
1)my right arm is significantly weaker than my left arm (go tremors keeping my left arm in shape)
2) wheelchairs are fucking heavy and I'm weak as hell. 
3) we have some amazingly nice people in this town...like woah!
4) I need gloves for wheeling around. My hands are fucking gross!
5) wheelchair users are fucking badasses! I'm not discoraged from using one part time! Just need to figure out some things first.

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