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Thursday, September 10, 2015

So...this wheelchair thing...

I'm getting a little excited over the potential the wheelchair has to expand my freedoms. I'll still have to deal with all the stuff I normally deal with, without freaking out about falling or going into a seizure. I'll be more able to get out of the house, and exercise. My legs can't hold me, but my arms (although still weak and occasionally spazzy) are much more capable. I won't be as afraid to take public transport on my own (and the local transportation department is andicap accessible.) it's really the first hope of freedom and independence I've felt since this fiasco began. Even Jess said she would run with me...I.e. I'll "run" and she'll RUN...one day, even with my misbehaving legs, I might be able to do marithons...I mean if I get over my fatigue.

And think about the job opportunities...as soon as I get the seizures under control, I can get a part time job! And maybe go back to school!

And I've looked into wheelchair homes and homesteading. It's totally something doable!!

Plus...I'm thinking cosplays! At first I thought Oracle. And that was cute, but drab...then I thought a professor x cross-play (I do like being bald) then I became brilliant!

Dr. Fuckin Malcom from Jurrassic Park sitting backwards in the jeep as he runs from the T. rex! Holy shit! How awesome would that be?!?! (And a great place to store purchased merch and booze) plus...leather jacket and sunglasses? Sexy!

Anyway, mom is finding me a wheelchair to test my theory out on...if it works I'll be getting my own for Christmas, asking for donations in lue of Christmas presents.

I'll still be standing the same amount of time as I usually do. I'll just be more active and able to get out of the house! I'm way too excited about a wheelchair. I always thought death before disability, but I can actually live a life worth living if all goes to plan. If ya'll are the praying types...please do so. I want this to be the adaptation that getting me on the road to normalicy.

(Special note: Squee! My aunt Doris is going to be living with my parents now!!!!so excited!!!)

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