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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Riding on Yesterday's Successes

 I begin my day journaling because I cant seem to make my brain do enough to learn right now.

Yesterday went well mostly. I succeeded in cleaning out the fridge (Forgot before and after pictures) I exercises, doing the couch to 5k on the bike as well as stretching. I did a lot of learning stuff. I then crashed and took a 2 hour nap. When I awoke I had some minor FND symptoms. It took so long to get going again. However, I did put away a basket of laundry and hung out with Cody. I also stayed under calories for the day. Go me!

I forgot to go to the library. It was all too much. Perhaps today I can go. I need a learning Java book. I learned from Cody that Java and Javascript are two different programing languages. That's dumb, but it is what it is.

Today continues my Challenges. I clean under the kitchen sink and stretch for 15 minutes. I might sit on the bike for 10 minutes too. I don't know. We'll see where my energy levels are at. 

So the 3 main goals for today are: Cleaning Challenge, Exercise Challenge, and Library.

Until then: I updated my desktop:

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