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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Religion is Annoying

I find it difficult to rectify using my blog for self improvement and present day issues with my religious and anthropological exploration. As much fun as I'm having exploring it, it just honestly isn't as important as self improvement. 

Even so, It's still the area in my life that is making the most progress. I feel as though the knowledge I'm gaining is actually pretty important, if not for me, than for others (Because there is VERY limited information on Slavic Paganism on the Internet. I feel like it will also be helpful to referance back to it no matter what comes of the exploration, be it athiesm, a return to Christianity, or a continuation down the heathen path.

For those of you interested in my journey, I started a new blog specifically for my religous studies. You can read it at the website: elder-path.blogspot.com. I'm going to keep all my religous exploration there...


  1. I'm going to look into our library at the Czech Center for mythology books and see if they have anything more in-depth than just mythology.

  2. I'm going to look into our library at the Czech Center for mythology books and see if they have anything more in-depth than just mythology.
