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Sunday, December 27, 2015


My goal is to do a 5k race by the end of March. My friend Val will be joining me, and that's very exciting. 

Despite being sick and a seizure this Christmas, I have been making a point of getting out and exercising. The week I was at Granny's I've gotten a bunch of wheeling done. It's not every day, but considering it was a vacation and I was sick, I am actually quite proud of myself!

Along the same vein, when I get home I will be riding at least a mile everyday in an effort to train for all the 5ks  I'll be doing in 2016. At the Begining of February, if all goes according to plan, I will move up to 2 miles. I should be doing 3 miles by March. March should be my first 5k.

I'm really looking forward to getting fit again. It felt so good to be out of breath from something other than my body rebelling. 

My goal is to do a number of 5ks (or more). I have a few options, and I have yet to look into runs in the Northern Virginia area. The only problem I'm going to run into for this, is getting a ride to the runs. (J.B. Fletcher didn't need a license. Neither do I!) If you have a run you'd like to do with me, as long as it's not off-road I'm game. I have a lot of running friends.

Shamrock 8k- March 19

Heroes vs Villans - April 10

Big Blue 5k - April 16

Superhero 5k- April 24

Patomac River Running Twilight Festival - June 11

Valley Fourth Run - July 4

Brothers Craft Brewing 3 Miler - Aug 29

Valley Vines Twilight 5k- Sept 18

Crawlin Crab 5k - Oct 1
Wicked 10k - Oct 29

Harbor Lights 5k - Nov 19

Rocktown Turkey Trot- Nov 26

Surfin Santa - Dec 19th

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