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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

good news and some rants

I'm at my parents house getting my car ready for the road trip Thursday; oil change and all that. And I'm starting to get excited! Then dad pays me for looking after the dog and my aunt Doris. He gives me a check for $1000! Not only do I not have to worry about being paid next month, or worry about money on my trip, but also I can afford the cpap machine on my own!!

Speaking of the cpap machine, I get it on Wednesday before my trip!! It costs $80 upfront then $9 a month for 10 months! I was so worried that it would be $1500 right off, but my insurance covers it.

I'm going to miss insurance when I go back to school. This whole, "not having to pay full price" thing is making getting medical care awesome. Next up on my medical list is getting a mammogram. Though I don't have to worry about it for a while yet. Maybe in October? I want to get this cpap thing done and over with first. Not to mention I still have to get my results in from my colposcopy.

So this whole quitting smoking thing is super hard. Cutting back is a bear, and being at my parents house, where I don't want to remind mom I smoke, or fight with dad about how hard quitting is, makes it that much harder. It's especially hard when I'm bored. And I'm bored a lot at my parents house. I need to get a laptop that runs some sort of game on it just for the parents house (and school. Don't forget school) maybe I can ask for help buying one for Christmas.


So I'm still upset about Charlottesville. I don't think that will go away. My current issue with it revolves around Facebook. A lot of my friends are posting things like "if you don't think killing nazis is a good thing, you're a racist." Well I don't think that killing anyone is a good response.  killing, no. And as much as I'd like to punch a nazi till I feel bones break, I also firmly believe that if we do we stoop to their level. Plus it just furthers their feelings of riotous alienation. I believe that re education and preventitive education are the only ways to curb white nationalism.

The problem is I'm not smart enough to debate topics I'm knowledgeable in and obsess over. Seriously, ask me to defend my stance on the benefits of comics in eduction. Even though I've researched it to high hell, I still couldn't debate it in person. Maybe I could via email, but def not in person.

And since I'm on controversial topics


Mom told me to pack Sunday clothes for my trip so I could go to church with granny. Now, I'll go to church but I don't like it. I hate it in fact. I hate praying to a god I don't want to worship. I don't believe the Christian god is omniciant, omnipotent, or omnipresent. So I choose not to worship him. I honestly choose not to worship any diety and instead go to the afterlife on my own merits. Now getting my mom used to the idea is going to be a slow process. I still pray at dinner because she's not used to the idea that I'm not Christian yet. Slowly I'm stopping going to church with her, then I'll stop praying, then I'll actually feel good about debating theology with her.

But anyway, mom basically told me I need to go to church with granny. But I'm bringing a friend who doesn't do church. I'm pretty sure she's an atheist. It wouldn't be right to force her to go to church. It would be more hypocritical since I'm not Christian to begin with.

Mom seems disappointed that I don't have many Christian friends. She probably thinks the atheists are the reason behind my lack of faith. And while it's true I don't have many Christian friends, I shed the burden of my Christianity because I started reading the Bible more.

And now I get ready to have breakfast with my brother, and spend the day with my mommy.

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