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Friday, August 11, 2017


quitting smoking was a fail. I picked up a pack of cigarettes at the gas station while picking myself my lunch.

Diet was a fail I went to cicis for a fundraiser for cats.

Things I wanted to do today:
Test my costume for the larp
Go for a run

Instead I lay around exhausted.

In unrelated news, I miss having a best friend to talk about these things with. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but no one really close. I miss sharing everything with a person. Everything from poop stories to small victories and back to trials and tribulations. I look at my phone constantly. There's nothing really better to do when you're laying in bed. I see people bantering back and forth, and I just feel like I'm missing out on something. In real life it's much the same.

I'm just whining, but it's the way I feel today.

I think larping will satisfy my needs. Having more of a since of community in my life will help this lonely feeling.

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