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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Writers Holiday: Chapter 5

I'm starting to loose track of days. I know it's Wednesday. I know I got here on Tuesday I know there were some days before that, but now I'm measuring the days in chapters. I'm on chapter 5.

I wrote a long post with pictures, but my phone deleted it. Here's the summary

My room:

The bed is huge!!
I saw pretty places

I saw some ducks
I decorated a wine glass

I've discovered that the people who go to time share social events like to talk about themselves. I met a lady named Mango. She's rich. She likes to talk about all her trips. I met a couple who like food. They were nice, just talkative. 

I'm nervous about getting sued by the friends who made Earthquest with me because that's the book I'm writing.

I wrote over 2000 words today.

Now it's bedtime

1 comment:

  1. No worries from my end. I don't think I'd want entrust an EQ novel to anyone but you. I have faith in your abilities. But I do want to read it as soon as it's ready because I miss it!
