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Thursday, March 26, 2015


Who knew that pain could keep you from sleep? Despite only taking one nap today from noon to 3 because I was exhausted. Despite being exhausted when I crawled into bed at 10. Despite taking 3 different pills that are supposed to knock me out, and as pain killer, I still woke up at 1 am tears rolling down my face and my joints aching. It didn't help that I had another nightmare. (About a library of all things)

Still, I got a lot done yesterday despite a lingering brai fog. And I'll be getting more work done today. I'm going to be setting up my daily goals sheet which I'll share tomorrow, probably durring the early am when I seem to hurt the worst.

I see Welcome to Nightvale live on Saturday with my favorite couple ever! I'm excited and nervous. I hope my vocal tics stay under control. I need to keep zen about the experiance and not be excited. I'll share pics if I get any because ADVENTURE!

My shrink appointment is on Monday, and I'm nervous. I've emailed the doctor and he seems nice. It's also the first step on my road to recovery. I'm hoping things go well.

I'll make it through. But I need to stay calm to avoid seizures. Plus it makes me seem like a stone cold badass...perhaps I'll meditate more than normal to keep myself feeling zen. That seems like a good idea.


  1. Sorry I haven't been commenting! But now here I am. Pain is really, really tiring. It's honestly the thing that puts me over the edge and into the hospital every time (along with dehydration).
