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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

This is a thing

If I were to die, I would want them to take one message from my life. I'm not sure if I succeed, but I would want people to stop judging others, and accept them, flaws and all. Love everyone, even the people you don't like or understand. The more you look at people not like you, the more you learn about yourself. That makes our differences valuable.

Also I would want a massive cheese tray at my funeral. 

One last thing. I want my corpse to burn up in reentry. Is that too much to ask? At least spread my ashes in the upper atmosphere so I can literally be the ultimate creeper by being in the air everyone breathes...

I'm totally normal I swear.

This message is brought to you by: "I wish I had the energy to give fucks about anything but my emotions, and how my body processes them (ie by flailing)"

Things haven't been perfect since I lost my amazing therapist to her being to awesome! I've regressed in some ways, and in others...well I can still bathe myself so I'm counting this as a plus.

I don't think I should write blogposts under the influence of my pills any more.

I think I have a cavity.

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