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Friday, September 19, 2014

Life Inventions and Embarasment

My life has become a steady stream of adaptations. I wake up, and make myself some herbal tea. I used to drink coffee, but a few weeks ago my doctor said no more stimulants. My tea collection is now more impressive than it's ever been. 
And yes, that is a Wonder Woman mug. It's my favorite!

I then take my morning vitamins because aside from alieve I have no pain killers or anything for my symptoms. So, I've improvised! I take 7 vitamins and alieve. It cuts the pain for a bit.

If I got enough sleep, I might feel enough energy to do some chores, but it normally doesn't last more than an hour. No matter what, though I have to feed the cats.

I then lay down on the couch and watch tv. I might take a nap later. Hopefully at that point I'll have the energy to make myself lunch, take more vitamins  and do homework.

More laying around happens. And eventually I heat up some dinner and take more vitamins. When I'm ready for bed I'll take a melitonin and pray for a good night sleep.

I'm hoping that I'll get an apointment with the nurologist soon. 

My dear friends came over yesterday. I was having spasms. It was aweful! I don't want people to see me like this. It's one thing to hear it's happening. It's another to see it. It's the same reason I loathe going to class.

How do I turn this into a badass learning experiance?

I also find it amusing that until this point in my life, the running theme of my life had been man v man, or man v society. The current running theme is man against himself. So the conflict in my story is I have to fight my body to have a good life. Maybe that's the way to overcome this... Maybe I have to look at myself as though I'm writing a book about me. 

I hope this isn't a forever problem. 

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