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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Less than epic garden

Since I can't really have a garden like I did last year. As much as I'd like to, I need plants that essentially take care of themselves. With excellent donations from my mother and my home girl, Katie, I now have a pleasant little congress of houseplant which I adore! (Although I'm thinking of getting one or two more, maybe a cat grass bin for Willow or an indoor tree.
My kitchen plants! One of them is a bunch of green onions that I've used and regrew from there.
These are my only outdoor plants. It's an Easter lily that Joe gave me, and my red lilies that I've had for years. I do absolutely no work with them, though one day I'll weed them for the sake of getting the crap plants out.

And micilanious plants that I still have to orgainize around the house.
I think I'm going to put this group of succulents upstairs.

1 comment:

  1. I've kept a "money tree" from IKEA alive in a mostly-dark room for months now. Highly recommend! But other than that, I need more plants...
