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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Old Times Sake

I wanted to share another project I've slowly been working on:
Joe asked me to insulate the ac unit. The window was essentially open so I got some insulation board, cut it down and taped it to the window with masking tape. But that looked bad, so I covered that in fabric and now I'm pinning ribon to it to make it look nice.

I also went out with my friends today! It felt liberating to get out of the house! I mean, I've been all but a shut in since all this conversion disorder business started. So I was stolen! 
I had 2 beers, a few tater tots,and a cupcake! It was a red velvet cupcake. I always thought that red velvet was chocolate based, but this tasted like almonds. It was wonderful!
We also met an adorable dog! I forgot her name, but it was so relaxing to pet an adorable puppy for an hour. Cats are awesome and adorable, but after so long they're done with being pet and walk off. Dogs could content themselves to being pet forever!

It was a good day, but now I am exhausted. I'm hoping to clean bunches tomorrow. <3 dishes and maybe finish the ac unit. That's a lot for me, but I don't want to push too hard. 


  1. I'll steal you again if you're not careful, pretty girl!

    1. Oh no! I shall be stolen again!!!! Whatever shall I do?!??

  2. Maybe it's time for a registered therapy dog? :D

    1. I've actually been thinking about getting a therapy dog when I'm well enough to take care of it! If I can't walk the dog, I dong deserve to have one, but when I can I want it trained in anxiety and seizure service dog that I can take anywhere.
