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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Nothing is impossible

I see a lot of posts these days about how nothing is impossible with faith and willpower. To an extent I believe in it. Adaptability, grit, and creativity goes a long way to making things happen. Luck as well plays a major part. But there can be a lot of damage done by telling people that anything is possible. 

I encourage those people to try flying off their roof. Some things are just unrealistic.

In my worst state, people told me I could be better if I just tried harder and had faith in whatever pleased them. No, what got me worse was hard work. It put me out longer than I was well. What got me better was luck getting me to the right Doctor, and pills that push back my symptoms. Pushing too hard still puts me out. Faith has nothing to do with it. I know my limits because I've explored them. I've adapted my life around them. To the people who say there are no limits, they just haven't discovered theirs, and they are lucky.

A man with celiac disease can't eat gluten. Their are ways to get the flavored similar, but fact is they can't eat gluten.

People who have broken spines don't just get up and walk around. And they certainly shouldn't go bungee jumping.

Four year olds with towels on their shoulders can't fly.

Liver transplants shouldn't drink.

Sometimes that person you love will never be with you.

Surviving Mt Everest without a guide or provisions is suicide.

People can not make flames in their hand with their mind.

I should never be alone with a group of students in case I have a seizure.

Not everything is possible and that's okay. Yes, you should push to become better. Yes, amazing and wonderful things are possible for those who try hard, but there are hard limits on what a person can do. 

At 30 without a proper degree, poor eyesight, and a bad case of FND and Tourette's...I'm never going to be an astronaut. I can become an astronomer, and charter a flight into space one day, but I'll never pilot a shuttle or do experiments aboard. There are limits set by my body, age, and society. 

Being a badass is not finding what you can't do and overcoming it. It's finding what you can do and overcoming the challenges you face until you master the challenges.

There are so many things that are possible, just not everything is possible.

I'm not an optimist, nor a pessimist. I'm a realist.

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