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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Shocking developments 9-27-15

Yesterday I electrocuted myself. Literally. I was fiddling with an outlet behind the washer machine to plug in my blow dryer. I'm insulating the basement windows in preparation for winter.

Anyway, we have to use a 3prong to 2prong converter because our house was invented before three prong outlets. As I was unplugging the washing machine the converter broke leaving two live wires out in the open. In exasperation (and very carefully) I tried to remove the damaged box. I'm twitchy and I must have twitched to touching the wires.

That was fun.


But after a seizure, and probably an hour, I got pissed off and put on the rubber yellow gloves and got a plastic stic to jimmy the rest of the converter off. I was successful!

Today I thought I broke the washer, but I must have twitched the toggle switch into the off position. I flipped it back and bam! I did a load of laundry.

I also did 3 loads of dishes and made myself dinner.

I'm proud of myself.

I have a sticky note on my wall:

I had apparently decided a while ago to only chase after things that make me happy and forgotten. No where on there is money or business. As a matter of fact, I specifically say one on one time, not group time. Although I enjoy parties (as long as they're light) they don't make me happy. 

I should add larping on there...

Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep because I am dumb and scheduled therapy at 9:15 tomorrow...

And apparently I have to go a few days or longer without my antidepressant because something about refills and doctors and I hate this condition I wish it would up and die.

I'm drunk from champagne by Jess. 

Listen to Welcome to Nightvale.


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