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Saturday, January 7, 2017

What are my strengths?

So I'm going to do a series based on this image. I'm going to go through each and every question and answer it to the best of my abilities.

The first question is What are my strengths. This one is hard for me. I'm well aware of my weaknesses, but my strengths are a different story. Be that as it may, I need to think of at least 3.

1)I'm good at making people feel wanted. I've been told time and time again I make people feel good about themselves, like they hold value. I don't think this is anything fantastic. It's simply what I want people to do for me. It's pretty selfish actually. I feel as though if I am kind and welcoming to other people, even if they are weird or deficient, maybe they will be kinder to my weirdness and deficiencies. I mean, I'm pretty weird, gross, and not altogether smart or pretty. I make up for my lackings by making others feel good.

2) I'm good at being creative. I write, I craft, and I problem solve. Thinking out of the box is not a foreign concept to me. I honestly used to be better at it, but I haven't lost my ability completely. This is a good thing.

3) I'm good at studying. That is, I'm good at learning. I learn best through reading and watching, but I can learn pretty easily in other ways. No matter what though, if I want to learn something I can learn it, no matter the difficulty. It may take some time and scaffolding (pedegogy term for formatting learning to be challenging but not impossible), but I will learn it.

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