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Sunday, January 22, 2017

That political post

Yesterday thousands of women marched in Washington to show their distaste for president Trump. I am so proud of those women for standing up for their beliefs peacefully. Also, I kind of don't like Trump so there's that too. Seriously though, I want to protest when trump eventually makes policy I don't agree with. Like Wednesday there's a protest by teachers by wearing a red shirt against the proposed secretary of education. I'm going to wear red because she is under qualified and kind of stupid. Also I'm hoping no one notices. Im super shy about my political opinions. Last time I shared them I felt like my friends dumped me. But I'm drugged up so I'm sharing them anyway. (I took my sleepy pills, but I'm too something to sleep.

1) I believe in massive education reform.
2) I believe in prison reform. (I believe the school to prison pipeline needs to be fixed in the education system first)
3) I believe that your gender does not need to match your biological sex
4) I am pro choice
5) I am for the legalization of marijuana
6) I believe in vetting gun-owners for but not restricting gun types
7) I believe that we need to fix our healthcare system.
8) I believe that people who are gay deserve the same rights as straight people
9) I believe strongly in the first amendment
10) I firmly believe in the separation of church and state
11) I think children should be vaccinated to attend publicly funded institutions
12) I believe in climate change
13) I believe in funding science
14) I believe in cutting back military spending
15) I don't believe we should be political in other countries right now, I think we need to focus on ourselves before we fix others
16) I don't mind my taxes going up.
17) I think income tax is cumbersome and needs reform.
18) I believe in term limits and linking legislative benefits (pay and vacation time) with the ability to balance a damn budget.
19) I believe the EPA is going overboard with some of their regulations.
20) I believe in taxing carbon emissions.

I feel like I should be more vocal about my beliefs, but I don't like arguments. They stress me out, and my FND and Touretts both get worse when I'm stressed.

And now I hope that no one yells at me on my blog.

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