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Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Come February Joe and I will be doing a cosplay. I am really looking forward to it too. The problem is it's going to be expensive and I just don't have a lot of money. So we'll see if it actually gets finished. We're going as Samurai Sailor Moon and Feudal Lord Tuxedo Mask.

That's ideally what I want us to look like. The cost is really racking up though. It's like $100 each at cheapest. And then Katsucon itself will be $70. But I really want to cosplay and go to Katsucon. I don't know. I guess I'll talk to Joe about it.

In the meantime I'm going to calculate the fabric I need.

Tuxedo Mask:
Coat: 3 yards black cotton, 3 yards red cotton.
Shirt: 4 yards white cotton
Obi: 2 yards grey cotton, 2 yards interfacing.

Additional Expenses- Rice paddy hat, Tabi socks, Japanese flip flop, hakama

Sailor Moon:
Robe: 3 yards red cotton
Boot Cover: 1 yard white cotton

3 yards black: $5.36/yard x3 = $16.08
6 yards red cotton $5.39/yard x6 = $32.34
2 yards grey cotton $5.85/yard x2 = $11.70
5 yards white cotton $4.49/yard x3 = $22.45
3 yards interfacing $2.12/yard x3 = $6.36
Rice Paddy Hat: $13.00
Tabi socks: $1.07
Japanese Flip Flop: $25.00
Hakama: $38.36

Total: $164.89

There's no way I'll be able to afford that. Maybe next year.

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