Well it's the new year. It started off alright. I didn't get my midnight kiss which is kinda disappointing, but it's just another kiss I guess and I can get kisses anytime. I also lost a contact in my eye. I still think it's there.
I did end up coming home last night (actually early morning). I wanted to sleep in my own bed with my own kitties. It turned out really well. I cuddled with them, got up, cleaned a little, played some WoW. Then I went back to Joe's parent's house for breakfast.
I'm very proud of myself. This morning I only ate half of what I wanted to eat. Granted it was all fried in bacon grease, so none of it was good for my diet anyway.
Lets go through my goals one by one and figure out how I'm going to complete each one.
#1 Work Full Time
I really need to get my stamina up. This means I need to start doing stuff to challenge my stamina. The first thing I'll need to do is stop taking naps during the day. It's going to be hard for me especially if I substitute, but I need to increase my stamina, and I can't do that if I take it easy on myself. That doesn't mean I wont sleep 8-10 hours a night. It just means I wont sleep during the day.
I'll also need to start exercising. The more I exercise, the more stamina I will gain. It'll also be good for my next goal. Right now my goal is to get to the Gym 3 times a week. Monday Wednesday and Friday. Ideally, I'd like to start going everyday starting in June when school gets out for the summer.
#2 Drop 80 lbs
I'm starting to diet. My goal is to drop 80 lbs this year. I currently weigh 218.8 lbs and look like the stay-puffed marshmallow man. Here are my before pictures. (Warning. They are kinda gross) Hopefully next year I'll be back to being skinny.
That means only 1200 calories a day and start exercising again. My goal is 135 lbs so I can look like this again:

I think I'm going to grow my hair out too. I miss having long hair. Mostly I miss braiding it. So this year I'm not going to cut my hair. Maybe next year I'll get a trim, but I'm going to grow it out. It's not really a goal so much as a thought.
#3 Publish
This is going to be a hard one. I need to take time out of my day to write. I'm finding writing a book is more difficult than I thought it would be. I need to overcome that difficulty by just sitting down and writing. Maybe I will make a rule, If I don't sub I'll write at least 2000 words. That has me roughly done in April or May. That leaves me the rest of the year to actually edit and self publish my novel. I'm pretty sure only friends and family will read it, but it's still something I want to do.
So 2000+ words every day I don't sub. Weekends optional.
So 2000+ words every day I don't sub. Weekends optional.
#4 Register for Classes
This one I might not be able to do this year. But my goal is to begin the registering process in October of this year. I want to be starting school about this time next year. The only requirement is I need to be able to work 5 days a week, and talk to dad about paying for the rest of my degree. I should (if all goes according to plan) be working full time before the end of the school year in June. That leaves July and August to hammer out a finance plan with my father. October is for applying for school. November and December are normally really busy. They will probably consist of not dying of excitement.
#5 Volunteer Weekly Somewhere
This goal will need to wait until June. I will start volunteering during the summer, after my stamina has returned. Starting in May I will research organizations that I can spend an hour each week helping.
#6 Start Sanctuary
My Larp needs a lot of work. I need at least 2 more Alpha tests, and some massive rewrites. I think that to complete this goal by October I will need to have to spend January and February rewriting some things. I'll have a play test in March. I'll rewrite April and May. Have another Play test in June. July and August will be more rewriting. September and most of October will be helping people make their characters. Then on October 28th, as a Halloween party, I will host my LARP.
I have 2 credit cards. Both of them are almost Maxed out. One has a $1000 limit. The other has a $6000 limit. My goal this year is to use the money I earn from working and put it towards my debt. Honestly it should only take me 15 days of full day work. But because I have insurance now, I'm getting less from disability. I need to work 2 full days a month to make up the difference. It doesn't seem like that much, but as I'm only working a half day a week right now, It's a lot.
#7 Pay off $1000 dollars of debt
#8 Have a well maintained flower garden.
This is another one that doesn't seem like it would be hard, but I don't know how to weed and I'm awful at remembering to water my garden. The goal this year is to focus on one bed and don't do anything else (well maybe some other things.)
The things I need to do is put down a liner, put down soil, put up a divider from the grass, and make sure to weed and water it at least every other day. I will count this goal as a success if I can do that.
#9 Do 2 5ks
This year I only did two, and with me still being out of shape (and not having a lot of extra money) I think 2 is a reasonable goal. I've already purchased one 5k. I think I'll run it in April. I'll run another one in October. Hopefully I can find a zombie 5k somewhere in my state so I can knock that off my Bucket List.
#10 LARP 4x this year.
This goal is easy, but expensive. I know I want to make Sim Terra once, Shard once, Summerset once, and I don't know about the last Larp I'll do. I'll probably do whichever I enjoyed more. I think I'll do most of that during the Summer after I've gotten my stamina back.
#11 Take the cats in for a yearly checkup
I have to wait till I get money to do this goal. Rowan and Willow both need their vaccinations updated. January's Money is going to Katsucon and paying bills. February's money will too. So maybe in March I will have enough money to bring them in for their checkups and shots.
#12 Maintain Laundry, Litterbox, and Dishes
Every day I want to make my bed in the morning. During the day I want to do 1 load of laundry, and 2 loads of dishes (once in the morning and once in the evening). I want to also clean out the litterbox every night before I shower and get ready for bed. Speaking of which:
To do this one, every evening I will take a shower, brush my teeth, and use deodorant. I've been having problems with hygiene since I got sick. This is how I fix that issue.
#13 Shower & Brush Teeth Daily. Use deodorant after every shower.
#14 Write Christmas Cards
In November 2017 I will buy Christmas cards and send them out after Thanksgiving. This one is easy to do I just need to remember.
#15 Finish Family Tree to Great Grandparents
I will probably take the summer to complete this project.
#16 Go on a Cruise
I need to get on mom about scheduling this trip for May. I'll call mom tomorrow about scheduling it.
#17 Get out Christmas Thank You cards by January 15th.
Tomorrow I should be able to finish writing my thank you notes and mail them out the day after.
#18 Post updates on the progress on my blog once a week.
This will be a thing I need to do after I divvy up and schedule a break down of my goals by months. I'll break down my goals by months and/or weeks tomorrow in the blog. After that I will have a special "Goal Update" blog once a week to update myself, and my esteemed public, on my progress and shortcomings (and how I intend to improve).
#19 Have Costumes ready for Katsucon
Joe and I are going as Samurai Sailor Moon and Feudal Lord Tuxedo Mask. I have a lot of work to do on the costumes and not a lot of time to do it in. The real problem is I don't have the spare money for fabric. So Once I'm paid on the 3rd I'll be buying the fabric. I'll write a post on the 3rd about it.
#20 Play with Rowan for 20 minutes a day
So Rowan has been acting out lately. He's been a little asshole tearing up papers, Scratching fruniture, and attacking his sister to play. To remedy this, after breakfast and dinner every day I will play fetch with him to burn off some of that energy. Each play session will be 10 minutes. Hopefully I can encourage Joe to play with him too.
#21 Do Spanish and Japanese Language Programs every day by the end of the year.
I've been using Duolingo and Memrise to learn Spanish and Japanese respectively. I want to actually let these programs be effective. To do that I will need to spend time daily working on them. I think I will wake up and do Spanish and do Japanese before bed. That's a little difficult at about 40 minutes a day. So I'm not expecting myself to do it daily for a while yet. But for sure I def have to do it 3 times a week.
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