Also, according to dad the English language is incapable of evolving. Encyclopedia Britanica is owned by librals, and Fox News does not have a political bias...
My favorite quote:
Dad: How do you know I don't have transgender friends?
Me: The amount of offensive things you say would drive them away.
Dad: *No retort*
They go over to watch Duck Dynasty. What they say is strikingly simmilar to what I just heard in the conversation. I can't watch it, but hearing it hurts. I always thought Duck Dynasty was parody...aparently I was wrong.
Being close quarters with my family is hard. My Great Aunt now lives with us. Her comfort has taken priority over my health. I mean, she is old, and has a bunch of health conditions, but none require her to have a quiet place to escape from things that trigger seizures, She needs help walking, but they left her walker at home so that means that she has to push me in the wheelchair...and she goes super slow, and runs me into I'm stuck running damage control, and unable to go shopping something I don't get to do...ever...because that requires me to leave my house. Which I can now do to a limited amount, but I can't drive so I'm limited to a couple mile radius until I can get the courage to take the bus for the first time.
I've never taken public transportation before, much less alone, and I'm kinda scared. I need to fortify myself and just do it...maybe for the new year.
I'm really looking forward to having everyone opening their Christmas presents. I feel like I got everyone the perfect presents! And Robert is Skyping in. I miss him. I also have my story telling contest to look foreward to, although it wont be in front of a fire like I wanted...
Because it's supposed to thunder storm and be 70 degrees tomorrow...WTF winter? How did we skip your turn and go straight to spring?
I am feeling very good. I think I've evolved. Level up in badassdom. Despite the arguments, and tension...I'm not feeling the need to run away. Instead I'm problem solving. I get frustrated, yes, but I'm not running away.
I'm not offended by Dad's ignorance. I'm not indignant about going to Mass twice in one week. I'm not feeling confrontational or defensive. Everything is just...Zen. Even when things are wrong, things just are as they are, and I'm surprisingly okay with it...though I am complaining to Joe. I should probably stop doing that.
I miss my babies. I wish I could be home for the holidays. I wish I had Rowan, Willow, and Balsa with me. Also so they wouldn't bother Joe. But if I look at this impartially...This is the family's holiday. It's noty mine anymore. Starting next year I'll Celebrate midwinter/Yule as my holiday. I'll tell my parents that the 21-22 is my holiday for me and my family (Even if it's just me, and the pets) and they can have me for the rest. This year I couldn't celebrate the solstice.
Speaking of which, I did tell Noah that I'm not Christian anymore. I think he thinks I'm athiest, but least someone in the family knows.
I'm exhausted though, even after a 2 hour nap, shopping for 4 hours has exhausted me.
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