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Monday, December 7, 2015


Yesterday was eventful and sensational.

I tried to figure out how many mpoints I get everyday to spend. I got 1647 points. That's about average I think.  I currently have 40,160. A $25 Amazon gift card is 65k. Everyday I spend 100 point on a sweepstakes (not because I expect to win anything, but because every 20 sweepstakes I enter I get a dollar into Amazon.) I also spend 100 points on a charity. My two favorites are Pencils of Promise and the ASPCA.
One day I'm going to volunteer at pencils of promise, and I'll be fostering animals as well. It's a dream...

In the meantime I wait for my Amazon gift card so I can buy all of the books!

All Christmas presents are in, and I'm almost done making the 3 I need to make. I can't say what they are in case they read my blog, but I'm very pleased with the progress.

I finished making one of the 8 curtains for  the sunroom! It only took a few hours! It's not perfect, but it's mine. I plan on having all the sunroom cleared out and ready for my winter garden before Yule. (Which is when I leave for Granny's)
It spreads out to cover both windows, but I want one for each window so it will fold more and trap more heat in.

I'm also taking a few coursera online college courses (not for credit) one of them is about the senses that a plant has. I have learned that plants will grow towards blue light not red (as proved by Charles Darwin) and you can cause a plant judges seasons based on the time they spend in darkness, not by the amount of time they spend in light. And some other neat stuff based on a plants sence of "sight" (I mean they don't have eyeballs, but they can sence color and darkness as well as light so...) it's a super cool class. I'm also taking an animal welfare class, a kids nutrition class, and an animal conservation class.

I finished a painting for my alter too:
It's based on Czech mythology. It's said that in the beginning there was nothingness. In that nothingness was a golden egg. In that egg was the God Rod. He created the goddess Lada, the Goddess of love and threw her through the shell, cracking it, and sending love out. Then he broke through the shell (which I correlate to the Big Bang) then he created the universe with his body. His eyes became the stars, his breath became the air, his thoughts became the night, and a bunch of other parts of his body became the rest of the universe. (This parallels morse creation myth because the universe was made by a frost giant or something) Before he finished becoming the universe he made the smith God who I forgot the name of to finish making the world.

I really like this creation myth for three reasons. 1) it runs as an allegory to the scientific phenominon of the Big Bang. 2) Love became the first thing in the universe. 3) The creator is everywhere without meddling in everything. We breath creation in our lungs. We feel it in the sun. There's something really poetic about that.

Anyway, the painting symbolizes that egg. And the swirl inside is a Czech symbol for divine wholeness. Past-present-future, the three realms of the Czech world-tree, youth-middle age-old age. 3 is a holy number in Slavic lore. I really like how it turned out.

I also got a special delivery!!!
Bam! Wheelchair, bitches!

I took it for its first spin to emergicare...because I have bronchitis...again...and I can't stop coughing. Ugh! But, I'm glad I took it because by the time we were heading home, my legs were all sorts of wobby and not doing what I told them, and the tremors weren't fun either.

I also found out that I got a book signed by my author friend without me asking for one. He's really a sweetheart, but he hides behind a thick layer of cynicism and snark. His dedication: "Stop faking. Clean the house.-David " it made me frown then laugh. He knows I'm not faking, but I told him when this first started I feel better laughing about my disability so he's really been trying to figure out a way to tease me to get me to laugh. He truly has a good heart.

Though I really do need to clean the house.

I have a therapy appointment at noonish. Then I'll see if I can get my broncitus meds from Walmart. Then I'll take them and see if I can't do some dishes and laundry before I get back into crafting.

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