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Sunday, December 27, 2015


Christmas always begins at Ferral's. It's a burger joint that's been open in Kentucky since the 1920? Anyway, their burgers are fantastic (That's why they aren't pictured above.) and really good chilli as well. Kentucky isn't Kentucky without Ferral's.
I dressed up for mom to take pictures of me and the dog for some sort of Christmas card or something? I got lots of compliments. I went out to the Trail of Tears museum in Hopkinsville. It was nice. We couldn't go into the museum. It was closed for the holidays, but I got to see a bunch of places and signs. I also noticed that there was a plant some sort of weed or wildflower that formed a perfect I got around one of the monuments. I was super happy to take one. I think it might be nettle. I also bought a wildflower field guide so we'll see once the plant blooms. Dad and Granny called it a monkey face flower. There is no information online about a wildflower that's a monkey face flower, but there's lots of orchids.
After mass we all went to the traditional habachi restaurant. I ate soooooo much food! I had sushi, all of my food, ice cream tempura and hot sake.
My brother Noah and I goofed off a lot. I have him pictured above pretending to be Nick Fury.
We also had the traditional wrapping paper pile for the dog to play in while we opened presents. We then had sausage and eggs for breakfast. 
Noah liked the Deadpool trade comic I got for him. He dressed up as Deadpool for Halloween, but had not read the comics. I solved the problem.
Mom and Granny used the power of teamwork to make Christmas Dinner.
They also protected the food from the Father until it was dinner time. Mom smacked him with a spatula so much! It was hilarious!!

It was a fantastic Christmas! There were hardly any fights. Honestly, the only thing that would have improved it would have bee my other brother being able to be with the family...but he had to work.

Oh well, it was a nice holiday anyway.

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