I've been waiting on this one for a while now. Waiting and hoping that I could come up with something that I can write about and enthrall my audience, but the truth of the matter is I have done nothing in my life that I'm proud of. That isn't to say that I haven't done things. I mean I've graduated high school and college. I know I should be proud of that. A lot of people haven't . I'm just not proud of those. I did nothing to benefit anyone, including myself. Yes I worked, though not as hard as I could. But ultimately it did nothing to benefit anyone.
I very much feel that my proudest accomplishment is yet to come. When I graduate with my masters and get my own classroom. That will be my proudest accomplishment. At that point I'll be changing lives. I'll be doing something I can be proud of. Some people might think that it's another day at work, but there are kids where school is the only place that encourages them to improve themselves. I want to be the teacher that build students up to be better than they think they can be. I want to make a difference in someone's life. That is my proudest accomplishment, something that hasn't happened yet, but will
Soon <3