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Sunday, May 21, 2017

100 Things I am Grateful For

  1. My health
  2. The fact I can pay most of my bills on my own.
  3. Friends and family
  4. Comfy and warm bed
  5. I don't go hungry
  6. I have a roof over my head
  7. My nice and incredible boyfriend, joe 
  8. My kitties and little noodle (snake)
  9. I can go camping
  10. I got really delicious popcorn tonight
  11. I have health insurance. 
  12. My man sleeps beside me and puts up with my snoring 
  13. I'm brushing my teeth daily now
  14. I have a smartphone 
  15. My boyfriend wants to support my goals
  16. I can write a blog
  17. The weather is warm
  18. When the weather is extreme I can heat or cool my house
  19. My clothes fit
  20. I have hilighters for my religous books
  21. I have the money for religous books
  22. My cat cuddles me whenever I sit/lay down 
  23. I have art on my walls
  24. I can practice my religion without prosecution
  25. I have access to clean water
  26. I have access to a workshop to produce nice things
  27. I have electricity 
  28. I have fantastic memories 
  29. Coffee
  30. The internet
  31. My job
  32. Podcasts
  33. A healthy family and friends
  34. Warm showers
  35. Soap
  36. Healthcare
  37. Our box fan
  38. Time
  39. Having a drama free life
  40. The people who taught me to be who I am 
  41. My rubber duckie collection
  42. My hair is long enough to ponytail
  43. I have the freedom to dye my hair unique colors
  44. I can go on fun trips
  45. Netflix
  46. Video games
  47. Good people of the world
  48. Music 
  49. Spotify and YouTube to give me music on demand
  50. Nature is beautiful 
  51. My imagination
  52. My life experience 
  53. The community mental health board for giving me low cost psychologists 
  54. Tika masala and pad Thai for food this week
  55. I have a car and money for gas
  56. Books
  57. Batchelor buttons
  58. Bees
  59. Streets
  60. Police
  61. Firefighters
  62. The members of the military
  63. My soft comfy robe
  64. Plumbs
  65. Bras
  66. Laughter
  67. Books
  68. Language
  69. Spices
  70. Dishes
  71. Fire
  72. Beer and liquor
  73. Colors
  74. My eyesight
  75. My hearing
  76. Cute kitty sounds
  77. The smell of baking anything
  78. The feeling of doing magic
  79. Well behaved children
  80. The ability to craft
  81. Hats
  82. Runes and tarot
  83. Body pillows
  84. The sound of my boyfriend softly snoring
  85. Kitty kisses
  86. Noodle snoot boops
  87. Crazy dreams
  88. Candles
  89. Dresses
  90. Trees
  91. Medicine
  92. My stuffed gorilla, Marco
  93. Astronomy 
  94. Knowledge 
  95. Art
  96. Orgasms
  97. Writing
  98. My patience
  99. Computers
  100. My ancestors

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