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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Am I an Introvert or Extrovert

I am an introvert. I need my alone time to recharge. That isn't to say I don't love a large group of friends out and about with me. I just need that alone time to recharge.

So I guess I'm not cripplingly introverted, I guess.

I don't like crowds of strangers. I'm not cripplingly adverse to them. I don't suffer social anxiety. I just prefer to know the people around me, and I'm normally quiet until I do. I don't enjoy introducing myself. Honestly I wish that you could skip the normal small talk: "How do you know X?" "What do you do for a living" etc. I'd rather get to the fun stuff like: "do you want to go on an adventure?" Or "what's something you want to do before you die?"

I love people, but there are certain people who don't drain me. Joe, small children...actually most people I think of as super cool and I struggle to be just as cool. That struggle is draining. I mean, I'm always myself, but I feel the need to be on my a-game. I know people don't expect it of me, but the self expectation is real.

I like being alone. I've really gotten used to it recently. I used to go out with my friends whenever I wished. Now I feel trapped by...I don't even know. My energy levels maybe. There have been a couple weekends where I wanted nothing more than to invite my friends over for a party. I just didn't have the energy to clean, call, hang out, and clean afterwards.

My favorite introverted things to do are netflix while I make paper cranes and reading. I also prefer to clean alone, not that I do it, but I do prefer it. Walking alone is nice too.

I'm defiantly an introvert. I just like to look at myself as a social introvert.

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