I almost lost my best friend because she thinks that Amway will cure me. Yup... A quasi-religious legal pyramid scheme was going to cure my disability...I was willing to try it, but I think we figured out that even if I was well, it's just not the lifestyle I want.
I had to stop a suicide from happening out of state. It's still up in the air, but I'm doing all I can so...
I changed up what I'm doing in therapy. Instead of treating my PTAs and depression we are going to find my triggers for FMD/CD and figure out ways to adapt my life to them.
Still going to trauma survivors group. Still feel like I don't belong there. But I've picked up some good things, and it's free so I'm not complaining.
Got new sleep meds, and switching my antidepressant. The psychiatrist I'm going to is amazing and cuts the cost of my meds by getting me pills that work well and are cost effective! It's nice since I don't have insurance.
I did all the laundry in the house, and like 7 loads of dishes. I cleaned the bathroom (and learned 409 leaves a slick residue not good for floors) and decorated it!
Joe came home!!!! I made him grilled cheese for dinner! I'm so pleased knowing he's in the house. He makes me feel safe, just by being downstairs.
I don't actually have all the money I need for my wheelchair, but I'll be taking what I didn't get in the fundraiser and putting it on credit. Unless the unlikely event my parents will help me out...but I want that wheelchair! I want to start getting my life back, and this is the first step.
I still might have them help me with medical bills if I can't get more money from disability...
That's the skinny on my efforts this week. It's been stressful and hopeful. I'm working hard to get my life turned around.
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