Yesterday was a recovery day. I got next to nothing done. I stayed in bed doing Duolingo. My brain was working, but my body was not.
Today I've done most of my morning tasks. Journaling comprises my last task. I'm going to do teachers pay teachers. I've written my first course. Now I need to edit, publish, and illustrate. If I keep this up, I should be able to finish the entire course load by the end of the month.
Willow is shaking. It means she's probably in pain. I don't have the money to take her to the vet. That really bothers me. I have some gabapentin that I'll probably give her. I just need disability to come through.
I am going to apply to jobs today. There aren't many out there, but I'm still going to try. I need some sort of income to help with household funds. I'm not yet ready to do in class teaching. Hell I'm not even ready to do virtual, but I need to try. I just need something to help out around the house without borrowing money.
I'm going to do my cleaning challenge today too, as well as other cleaning tasks. While I do so I'm going to let the cats watch TV.
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