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Sunday, September 3, 2023


Yesterday I did every task that there was on my list complete with taking out the trash (one of the most difficult chores for me) I even put clean sheets on the bed (another difficult task due to the tie downs for the sheets)

I am so proud of myself right now. I'm really improving! 

Today I clean the coffee stand and organize the pantry in the kitchen. I also need to stretch.

Next week bumps up the challenge intensity by a long shot! The cleaning challenge remains the same intensity, but instead of having a schedule, I'm going to try a tear off list. Monday I tidy the living room and if I have time I'll do more. The exercise challenge gets way more intense on Monday. I move from daily stretch and Monday, Wednesday, Friday couch to adding interval trainer for pushups and situps Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I also will be adding strength training the days I'm not doing cardio, pushups and situps. However, the couch to 5k is still pretty difficult for me so I'm going back and redoing week 1.

I'm hoping today is productive. I want to clean the bedroom a bit since Cody is feeling better. The dirty laundry in there is intense. I also have a basket or two of laundry to put away. 

So I'm dog sitting, right? I came over at 6:00am and I'm now watching the sun rise. I really like getting up early and watching the sun rise. There's something almost primal about it. It's like...the earth is turning to face a hot ball of plasma or something. Ha.

Anyway. I'm going to do some Khan academy while I chill with the dogs for another 30 minutes. Then it's heading home where I do more of my lessons, exercise, shower, clean, and perhaps rest before cleaning some more.

I think I'm gonna work on wedding flower stuff today. I definitely want to crochet some. I'm making so much progress on the project!

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