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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

2 Days in a Row!

 Yesterday was a very productive day, despite my FND rearing its ugly head. I did my learning stuff, stretched for my exercise challenge, Did a full shower (a big deal usually I skip a step like brushing my teeth or washing my feet) I cleaned out under the kitchen sink and cleaned the Cleaning Cabinet. I went to the library to check out a book on Java,  I took my car into the shop. and had some much needed Rachel time, and I even put away 3 loads of laundry. All this before my FND kicked my ass for a while. Then I spent some time with Cody. 

I did  not stay under calorie yesterday. I think I will today, however. Straying under calories is hard. 

Today's exercise challenge in couch to 5k and stretching. The cleaning challenge is to clean out the pantry. 

I'm going to start a Pathfinder game I think. I'll work on that a bit today. It's going to be a level 1 campaign I think. I'm drawing a lot of inspiration from Dimension 20. I really like Mulligan's approach to DMing. He's engaging and really focused on player fun levels.

No VIP Kid lessons again today. Honestly, I'm kinda glad I haven't been getting them. Aside the major financial hurdle, I've had a lot of time for self improvement. I still can't wait to be healthy enough to work, and I'm dreading the day my FND takes me out for a day or more and really pushes back my progress...but

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