I visited my parents recently. While there I picked up a bunch of goodies. The best of which are a pool cue, a fishing pole, a camping table, and a build your own clock. All of which, in my humble opinion, are badass.
I'm learning to play 9-ball with my boyfried's father. It's the goal to get good enough to hold my own against the man who played it most of his adult life and owns his own table. The rocking part about it is my new cue, aside being beautiful with sun bursts and fluer de elise engraved on it, is that it's been both my grandmas and my mothers. They both played pool and now I have their legacy!
I also stole my dads fishing pole since he never fishes anymore. I'm getting a license the next time we go camping so I can get up early with Travis and Jess and do some trout fishing. I'll never be a hunter because firearms and my flavor of Tourette's plus my FND are a bad combo. But I can still fish. What's more, I enjoy fishing!
I also got my grandparents old camping table. It was old and weathered so I decided to refinish it. I sanded it, took it apart, stained it and slapped a few coats of polyurethane on it. When I'm done I'll put it back together and make a bag for it.
Last I got a paper clock that you put together yourself. My brother said pieces are missing, but I haven't checked, and if there are some missing, I may be able to make them. It's just card stock.
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