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Thursday, May 12, 2016


I fail at dieting. It's not that I don't want to. It's that the will to eat pervades my thoughts. If I'm bored, I eat. If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm thirsty I eat.

Sometimes I drink my calories. Mostly it's coffee with a lot of milk.

I have a goal. To be 135 lbs by my birthday. That way I can rock the bald look on my terms. I haven't lost much weight. in 2 weeks I've lost 3-4 ish lbs. But with Joe getting out of school, we're going to go to the gym almost every day. I now have a strict eggs for breakfast and veggies for lunch. Well see how that goes.

I hope I don't boredom eat. I might start boredom smoking instead and then buy myself a vape pen. (Not out of want, but because it's a thing to do) It's not the best option, but I need something to kill my time and I'm so sick of housework it's not even funny. I am weak.

I mean, It's not like I'm not applying to jobs and using free weights and walking to places...It's just there's so much time in the day, and only a few hours of it goes to working out and walking and cleaning. You'd be surprised how much time you get after you loose the ability to watch TV and you can only play video-games for an hour or so.

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