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Wednesday, April 1, 2015


So the past few days have been rough. I've been really excited and happy. If I haven't said already, intense emotions, both good and bad, cause tremors and seizures. So on top of the exhaustion from the emotional draining experience of seeing a psychiatrist, I've been having seizures and tremors.

I was going to talk about goal setting today, but I'm going to take it easy. Goals get me super excited and I'm trying to stay mellow (Though I've been pretty good about the goal to blog daily Even though yesterday's post failed and I had to post it today instead. ^_^). Instead I'm going to talk about learning a new language, or one of the languages I've been trying to learn.

I've been using Youtube to learn sign language since I am for all intents and purposes mute. Although the Shrink says I'm understandable, There are times when I literally can't form words. I know what I want to say. I try and say it, and if I make sounds at all, it's complete gibberish. So I've been learning American Sign Language.

Rachel was the person I started with learning ASL: She's sweet and emotive. Her series on learning sign in 31 days is very helpful in not only cultural norms, but also very explicit on how to do the signs. I would watch her alphabet video every night before bed till I could do finger spellings without problems.

I also watch Bill Vicars Sign Language course. He is also informative and emotive, but most of all he's hilarious. He cracks jokes and it's actually funny without there being any sound. I particularly enjoy how easy it is to memorize because of the repetition he uses. What I do is I watch a cource and write down any words I have trouble remembering. Throughout the day I'll review them. The next time I watch the video I'll cross them off until There are none left.

I'm not very good at sign, but I can express my needs to family and friends to a point they understand me. Plus, it's fun to know sign. We have a blind and deaf school nearby. Maybe I'll teach there instead of in public school. I love sign.

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