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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Badass Goals Revisted

 Badasses are badass, in my opinion, because they strive to be better. I want to be a badass so I will strive to be better. I'm going to make SMART goals for each of my original badass definition.

  • They are fit, healthy, and strong
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will be able to walk a mile without being winded. 
  2. By August 1st, 2025 I will be able to do a pigeon pose unaided. 
  • They have their own personal style
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will have a wardrobe that includes 1 month of work outfits (I'm realistic about my ability to do laundry regularly) and 2 weeks of casual outfits. 
  • They know how to fight
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will register at my local Karate dojo
  • They work with any physical impairments
  1. By August 1st 2025 I will be compassionate with my disability by taking needed rest days.
  • They are clean, and hygienic 
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will shower daily, wash my hair every other day, and brush my teeth twice a day. I will also floss.

  • They have varied knowledge
  1. By August 1st 2025 I will finish Khan Academy Math content for all grade school levels.
  • They know of other badasses
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will read 3 biographies of 3 badasses
  • They are well read
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will read 52 books...even if they are trash.
  • They know a verity of etiquette and protocol and the time and place to use each
  1. By August 1st 2025 I will go to a Toast Masters meetup.
  • They have an adventurous spirit
  1. By August 1st 2025 I will complete 3 objectives from my Bucket List.
  • They listen more or as much as they speak
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will listen to conversations more often than I speak with 80% accuracy.
  • They are creative spirits
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will learn to play 5 songs on the guitar.

  • They are leaders
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will take a position of leadership at my job. Even if it's only a team leadership position.
  • They are independent
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will pay back the money I borrowed from Dad 
  2. By August 1st, 2025 I will meet with a financial planner about my finances.
  • They have an unusual hobby
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will go to 1 convention and 3 LARPs. 
  • They are keenly aware of the plight of their fellow man.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will begin volunteering at a local homeless shelter. 
  • They are humanitarians
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will sign up to volunteer politically.
  • They have a willingness (not an outright desire) to defy conventions to stand up for those who cannot.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will stand up to my parents when they are being racist or sexist.
  • They actually DO things and don't just talk about them.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will have written in this blog 52 times to keep track of my progress.

  • They have their own moral code, which they strictly abide by.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will have reflected on each part of my moral code through this blog. 
  • They stand up for themselves as they do others.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will go to therapy every other week.
  • They know their limits and attempt to overcome them.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will challenge myself to do all of the proceeding and following things.
  • They have a mindfulness and inner-peace.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will join a weekly Yoga class.
  • They listen to their inner voice.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will meditate once a week on Mondays.
  • They are okay with being alone.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will go camping alone for a week.
  • They are organized with their time and space
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will clean and maintain my space as if people are coming to stay with me.
  • They normally have a vice that may negate one or two of the above.
  1. By August 1st, 2025 I will quit smoking and vaping. 

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