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Friday, September 1, 2017

Busiest creature

So writing blogs on my cell phone has become quite the hassle.This is especially if I want to add images. The good news is I now have a laptop! My great aunt doesn't use hers so she gave it to me. The bad news is it is still running Windows XP. Who uses XP anymore? The good news is I can update it if I need to. There is no bad news.

As to what I've been up to. I went on a road trip to Kentucky to see the eclipse. I went to my first LARP in years. I hung out with friends.

Whats more exciting is the month of September I have a job...for the whole month!! I am super stoked!

I'm off the cigarettes and back to vaping. Quitting here I come!

I should be back to updating daily starting tomorrow. I plan on going to my special spot near my parent's house.

And here are some pictures of my roadtrip:

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