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Friday, June 2, 2017

My internet tabs

I slept through a job offer today. I'm kicking myself over it. I mean I woke up for my alarm clock at 5:30. I checked for jobs and there were none. Then I went back to sleep. Fifteen minutes later I got a call for a job, and I slept through it. Ugh! I wanted to work today. Curse my sleep problems!

The vegetarian thing has been going well so far except for one thing. Buying fresh veggies is expensive. Making dinner last night was 25 bucks for 4 servings. I can't imagine continuing this habit because it's just so expensive. I'm used to food being 2 bucks per serving. I might have to tap joe to continue purchasing fresh veggies.

I've been researching a lot lately. Things I want to do are filling up my browser tabs. The first is Arbor Day. Org. You see I want to plant a tree, specifically an oak tree. The problem is I don't know where I can plant it. I don't own land. There's no group in the area that has a tree planting program. I just want to plant a tree. If they didn't grow so quickly, I would plant it in a large potter till I got land. But young trees grow fast.

Then I have a tab open for blue ridge Beltane. I missed it this year, but I'd love to go to it next year. I want to go to a religous retreat. It's on my bucket list. And it's supposed to be a decent sized event. And although it's not asatru, it's generally pagan.  I would like to go next year.

There's a local river clean up that happens every your. I missed it by a week this year. Next year I will be doing it. I'm put off by litter. It makes a place look bad, and it's bad for the wildlife. I shall clean it up!

The local berry farm. Because I want to pick my own berries for midsummer. I'm planning on having some friends over for lemon fill salmon, herbed potatoes, a lemon cake, and fresh strawberries.

The Blackbeard pirate festival takes place in Hampton, va. I used to live down there and I loved it. I used to go every year. I promised myself one day I'd go to their pirates ball. And one day I shall, just not this year. Joe doesn't want to go, and I don't want to go alone.

The farmers market hours are simple. But I need the reminder or I will forget to go, and I need to get local meats for meals for joe.

I'm thinking hard about the Adopt a soldier program. It's a way to volunteer without too much time. Every week you write a letter to your adopted soldier. And occasionally you send a care package. It doesn't seem too hard, but I'm not the most responsible person in the world. I'm not good at writing letters. I'm still debating it. We'll see if I actually do it.

And on an unrelated note, Duolingo finally has their Japanese language out. So I'm going to be doing twice the duolingo everyday! Spanish because of my profession and Japanese because of my passion.

In the meantime I have a lot of chores I need to get done. I'm off to have a productive day despite not working!

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