Money is important. I really hate how important it is, but it is. So I turn to financial gurus such as Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard to help me find my way. Many moons ago my friend Katt got me "The Total Money Makeover Workbook" by Clark Howard. I've skimmed through it and taken bits and pieces here and there with some success. I've always thought that Dave Ramsey is a overly religious jerk, but he has an effective method of keeping finances in line. I decided to throw all in on the Dave Ramsey financial cure.
I've started filling out the workbook. I'm going to do what it says to the letter and see if I can't get my finances in some sort of order (Going straight to paying off debt instead of throwing money into savings because of some rules surrounding disability and how much I can have in savings.
Chapter 1 was essentially "You have a problem." I hate 'you' statements. "You need to get yourself out. This book will help." This is true.
I don't like Dave Ramsey for another reason. His podcast seems to emphasize that you have to tighten the belt to the point of pain, and honestly I don't see a problem with budgeting in a treat every now and again. I just need to budget less towards treats than I usually do.
So we'll see where this crazy misadventure takes me. Who knows, maybe I'll clear up my debt in the next 2-3 years or so. That's the hope anyway. I hope to be financially independant and planning for the future by 01/01/2020.
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