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Sunday, January 24, 2016


So, I've decided that I'm going to focus on getting better. My last seizure was on New Years. That means that barring more seizures I'll be able to drive by July. Late August is when school starts again. That means I'll be able to drive to work!

The first semester I will ease into work, only doing what I can physically do. I'll work up to full time in the city I live and the surrounding county. I plan to be at full time by December. At that point, in January I will start classes again. Student teaching will happen the following August (unless I can work with the school and system to student teach durring summer school) I'll do another semester of sub teaching and looking for a job. I'll also see if I can teach summer school. Finally in 2018 I will be a professional full fledged teacher with my own classroom!

At least, that's the current plan...who knows of it will actually happen.

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