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Saturday, November 21, 2015


Today, after a comment from my boyfriend to remind me I haven't shaved in months (upwards of 4) I decided to try sugar waxing as I've heard good things about it. I've been meaning to try it for a while.

Waxing has never really worked on me. I suppose that my hair has always been too smooth or something. But I found an easy recipe and hoped it would work this time around.


I followed the instructions, and I got a pretty good waxy consistency. But, essentially it was a flop. Almost no hair was removed every time I tried. I was disappointed, but not surprised.

I fell back on my fail safe. I mix sugar and coconut oil, scrub the area that I'm going to shave, shave it, then use the sugar scrub again. It always works with amazing results. However, because I get so tired so easily, I don't do it often.

And I am exhausted. So I'm probably stuck in bed for the rest of the day and I'll clean out the tub tomorrow. I feel nice and clean and smooth, but I'm also hungry. Im wondering if I can get my boy to pick up a little ceases pizza to tide me through the rest of the day.

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