1) cook a meal
2) call my pharmacy and get refills
3) feed balsa
4) clean bald as water
5) Do a load of dishes
6) get my Medicare paperwork finished
7) straighten my office.
The rest of the time will be spent relaxing. This is me learning how to pace myself. Wish me luck.
In the meantime, I'm feeling adventurous. I haven't been able to read with much retention for almost a year now. I'm going to do what I advise my students to do, and start with an easy book to build confidance, and then work up from there.
So I'm going to read the easiest of the easy novels, one chapter a night. I'm going to start by finishing one of my trashy romance novels, his up a few graphic novels and manga, move into some young adult fiction.
My first book is "the heart of Devin MacKade" by Nora Roberts. It's not literature, and it's not going to add to my knowledge base, but I find the formula of romance novels comforting and Nora Roberts in particular paints a pretty scene. She's not particularly strong with dialogue, but her characters are diverse as they can be within the acheotypes allowed in the romance novel formula and most of all, I enjoy reading her works, so it's a good place to start.
Edit after reading the chapter:
Jesus, that was harder than I thought. I almost had to make a character map and draw out the scene. And it wasn't that it was poorly written. Nora Roberts has refined her craft enough so I should be able to follow the scene. It was just so hard remembering who was doing what...and then I had the additional problem that half the words I was reading I couldn't process so I had to retread sentences three or four times before I got what they were saying. Tomorrow I'm going to have to resort to reading out loud.
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