Ling story short, apparently 60 years ago in Kelly, KY some aliens landed and some rednecks fired at them. The community in Kelly is using this event as a way to raise money for a community center. It's a good fundraiser and an adorable event.
Despite having a bad episode earlier in the day, we drove up to Kelly, KY. I was really looking forward to it! We got there for opening ceremonies. We ate waaaaaayyyy too much. Funnel cake, fried pickles, and the best smoked ham sandwich I've ever eaten. Southerners know how to eat!
We did all the silly photo ops.
My dad found a friend from work:
I chilled with the daughter of the people who had dealings with the aliens. She was a sweet lady. I got her book and a little stuffed alien, both signed by her.
My little brother lasted a long time in the mechanical bull.
And, because I'm trying to get myself to do stuff I'd normally do, that I can do, that will yield me positive reinforcement for my health, I sang in front of the small town crowd. It was a gospel open mike. All I know are Catholic Church songs so I sang "Here I Am, Lord" I felt head tremors during the chorus, so I stopped, but I got a verse and a chorus out. It wasn't that I was performing in front of people. I've performed so much in front of people in the past it doesn't phase me. It's the getting over my own perfectionism for positive results, and a since of pride. And I did it! I was flat, I got winded, I couldn't annunciate, and I tremors bad, but I did it! My crippled ass did it! I'm proud of myself.
Now as I lay here in bed with my alien stuffed animal, convulsing with a headache. I can say I went for it. I did it, and I even got some applause! *fist pump*
I feel like a badass!